
For Immediate Release
*-> QC now accelerated for Power Macintosh! <-*
Onyx Technology
Brooks Bell
7811 27th Avenue West
Bradenton, FL 34209
Main: (941) 795-7801; Internet: office@ onyxtech.com
Fax: (941) 795-7801
Order Processing: (941) 795-7801; Internet: sales@ onyxtech.com
http://www. onyxtech.com
Bradenton, FL -- 23 JAN 1996: Onyx Technology today announced a free update to its popular QC(tm) stress testing tool for the Macintosh. Version 1.2 is the long awaited native PowerPC version of QC. Previous QC versions ran emulated on PowerMacs. New optimizations made in testing code together with the native PowerPC code have resulted in performance improvements ranging from 100 to 500%.
The update also includes support for the powerful 'Block Bounds Checking' and 'Invalidate Free Memory' options on systems with Apple's Modern Memory setting turned on. Previous versions of these tests were incompatible with Modern Memory and automatically disabled.
Onyx Technology will make this update available free to all registered QC users and will provide updaters from previous versions on their web page, ftp site, and popular online services and Internet sites.
QC is a system extension that allows programmers and test engineers to quickly isolate problems in application software and code resources that would otherwise randomly crash or hang various Macintosh configurations. These tests can be performed by non-technical personnel with little or no knowledge of Macintosh programming. Software engineers can take advantage of a custom API to achieve pinpoint control from directly within their code. QC gives developers and Quality Control personnel an extensive tool for stress testing their application software before it's shipped. Since QC was first released in March of 1994, it has become the number one selling stress testing tool for Macintosh computers. Customers that include Adobe, America Online, Apple, Claris, Kodak, Linotype Hell, Microsoft, Motorola, NASA, Netscape Communications, Novell, Symantec, US West, and many others rely on QC to ship more robust applications.
QC runs on all Macintosh models with System Software version 7.0 or later. Balloon help, 32-bit addressing, VM and Modern Memory are supported. A free, fully featured time-out demo is available at our web site or on America Online, AppleLink, and CompuServe - contact Onyx via email for more information. Pricing is $99 with discounts for multi pack orders. Site licenses are available.