
For Immediate Release
*-> New QC with seamless support for Metrowerks! <-*
Onyx Technology
Brooks Bell
7811 27th Avenue West
Bradenton, FL 34209
Main: (941) 795-7801; Internet: office@ onyxtech.com
Fax: (941) 795-7801
Order Processing: (941) 795-7801; Internet: sales@ onyxtech.com
Bradenton, FL -- 5 MAY 1995: Onyx Technology today announced a free update to its popular QC(tm) stress testing tool for the Mac. Version 1.1.3 is a significant update that will work seamlessly with the next version of Metrowerks CodeWarrior to allow for QC error reporting from directly within the Metrowerks debugger.
The update includes enhancements to the application programming interface (QCAPI) allowing better support for external services. The first commercial use of the API will be in the May release of the Metrowerks CodeWarrior 68k and PowerPCÊdebuggers. When debugging an application that is being tested with QC, the new debuggers will display QC detected errors to the user along with the source code showing where the error occurred.
The update also includes improved error detection, new activate/deactivate sounds, an improvement in PowerBook sleep handling, and improvements in error reporting as well as eight subtle bug fixes and improvements in localization resources. The Japanese version is expected to be available within a month.
"We are very excited about the integration with the Metrowerks tools", notes Brooks Bell, QC engineer and Onyx partner. "The ability for QC and Metrowerks customers to easily find spurious bugs while still in the Metrowerks debugger will serve to increase the stability of a large number of future Macintosh applications. We are grateful for the support we have received from Metrowerks and intend to continue to work with them to develop ever more powerful bug detection tools", Bell said.
QC is a system extension that allows programmers and test engineers to quickly isolate problems in application software and code resources that would otherwise randomly crash or hang under different Macintosh configurations. These tests can be performed by non-technical personnel with little or no knowledge of Macintosh programming. Software engineers can take advantage of a custom API to achieve pinpoint control from directly within their code. QC gives developers and Quality Control personnel an extensive tool for stress testing their application software before itÕs shipped. Since QC was first released in March of 1994, it has become the test tool of choice for customers that include Adobe, America Online, Apple, Claris, Kodak, Linotype Hell, Microsoft, Mosaic Communications, Motorola, NASA, Novell, Symantec, US West and many others.
QC runs on all Macintosh models with System Software version 7.0 or later. Balloon help, 32-bit addressing,VM and Modern Memory are supported. QC is compatible with the new PowerPC based Macintosh systems. A free, fully featured time-out demos available on America Online, AppleLink, and CompuServe - contact Onyx via email for more information. Pricing is $99 with discounts for multi pack orders. Customer support is available by email with same day response. FTP site available for demos, updates, and sample applications. Updaters from the previous 1.1.2 version are available on most online services.